At Evnia, we are invested in the well-being of our community, enacting positive change and making a difference in someone’s life.
In line with our corporate values, we support those who strive, seek, and find excellence through commitment and dedication to their craft – because doing what you do to the best of your ability matters to others down the line. Directly or indirectly.
Pushing the limits to better ourselves is what defines excellence, and exercising excellence in your work affects those around us. Whether you are a scientist, an athlete or a parent.
We believe in those who hold themselves to a high standard and are committed to start from square one if needed – because what you do and how you do it matters.
By helping people achieve their goals, we embolden them to succeed in life – in whatever they do – and, ultimately, pay it forward to their community through the excellence of their actions.
M.Sc. in Regulatory Writing
Evnia has joined forces with Università degli Studi di Siena, one of the oldest European Universities to create a unique Masters’ Program in Regulatory Writing!
In a time when the regulatory framework in Europe is rapidly changing (see implementation of MDR, IVDR, new Clinical Trials Regulation), this new, one-year-long, smartly designed “M.Sc. in Regulatory Writing” aims to train the future regulatory writers with the help of well-established, professional regulatory specialists, who will be delivering theoretical-practical lectures!
Through this partnership, Evnia will cover both running costs and 2 scholarships during the first year, after which our contribution will be further increased!
Read more information here
Mindfulness training program
In October 2021, we initiated our mindfulness journey to provide to all team members the opportunity to develop strategies for mental-development and tools to make every day a growth opportunity, this is an objective in the heart of our ethos, to strive to seek to find. Maria brought the tactuus concept to Evnia, and we are thankful for her daily, support.
I am so happy and proud to have joined Evnia as corporate mindfulness coach in October 2021.
As part of the corporate responsibility path, which corresponds to Evnia’s values, it is a natural priority at all times to support the best possible work environment for high-performance and work-life thriving.
The tactuus APP and concept (, including the work with mental strategies, self-management, and mindfulness practices as tools for developing a clear mind and empathetic communication has been warmly welcomed by the team at Evnia.
I am very much looking forward to working together with everyone on promoting a working culture of high-performance and work-life thriving.
Dr. Maria Maersk
MD | PhD | corporate mindfulness coach